

Baccarat owes its international reputation to its Fine crystal glassware. Baccarat is also a nice flowery small town with its crystal museum

Crystal is everywhere in Baccarat, and its secrets are revealed in the museum devoted to it. There you can learn about manufacturing techniques and see remarkable pieces: jewellery, tableware, lamps, decoration, etc.

Many specialist shops sell products made at the factory, such as glasses, vases, jewellery and decorative objects, each one more elegant than the one before it.

The unusual 20th-century Church of St. Remy, built of wood and concrete inlaid with 20,000 pieces of crystal, is adorned with magnificent stained glass windows made by Baccarat artists.

Contact information

T. 0383766137

Galerie-Musée Baccarat Cours des Cristalleries 54120 Baccarat